BlogNews15TH MAY 2024
AuthorSamir Yawar
3 min read

Pureversity Product Update: May 2024 Edition

Product Updates for Pureversity May 2024
BlogNews15TH MAY 2024
3 min read

Pureversity Product Update: May 2024 Edition

AuthorSamir Yawar
Product Updates for Pureversity May 2024

Hi there cyber warriors. Time flies when you're having fun.

That was one of our main goals with Cytadel, our game-based learning platform. As you dive into our episodic content, we hope you're picking up new skills as part of your cybersecurity awareness training.

But these cybercriminals, they have no chill. They're constantly coming up with new ways to trick people into giving up their passwords, names, company secrets and whatnot in the most unassuming of ways.

Knowing of these dastardly ploys is half the battle. The best defence against these scams is to level up your cybersecurity knowledge.

We've got some updates to share with you.

1. Cytadel Launches New Seasons

We heard you like playing our cybersecurity game. So we've got brand new seasons for you.

Here's a sneak peek at the fresh story content we added over at Cytadel, our game-based learning platform:

  • Social Engineering I (Season 3)

Social Engineering-I-episode
  • Social Engineering II (Season 4)

  • Passwords I (Season 5)

  • Passwords II (Season 6)


But that's not all.

2. You can now share your progress on LinkedIn with certificates

Made it through a season? Bested your peers? And now want to show off your achievements to a broader audience? If you answered yes to all, we've got good news for you.

Starting today, successfully completing a Cytadel season will award you a unique certificate. You will be able to share this certificate on your social profiles. Especially on LinkedIn.

Here's how it's going to look:

Certificate issued by Pureversity after completing seasonal content successfully

So don't be shy. Tell the world you've thwarted the evil designs of tech-savvy criminals. Share them off with your professional network.


That's all for this month folks. We've got more amazing features in the works and will be keeping you updated as they happen.

Until next time.

Happy gaming.

Don't have an account yet? Not a problem. Start playing our free episode today.

Samir Yawar
Samir Yawar / Content Lead
Samir wants a world where people can instinctively whack online scams and feel accomplished without the need for psychic powers. As an ISC2 member, he is doing his bit to turn cybersecurity awareness training into a fun concept with simple, approachable and accessible content. Reach out to him at X @yawarsamir
FAQsFrequently Asked Questions
We offer various challenges, competitions, and exercises to help learners develop their cybersecurity skills in a fun and engaging manner.