heroWord of the day: Insider Threatby the pureversity team

| word: Insider Threat | pronunciation: In-side-er Threat | Definition :The risk posed by individuals within an organization who misuse their access to sensitive data or systems, either intentionally or unintentionally.In the words of famous people :
hypothetically speaking ......
who do you think would be describing Insider Threat here?
(obligatory disclaimer: they didn't actually say it)

"An insider threat is like a traitor in the castle—dangerous because they already know the way in."

Question & answer time :
take a wild guess!
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What percentage of organizations experience insider threats?
Did you know? 3 astonishing facts about Insider Threat :
1. The most damaging insider threat cost a company $3 billion through trade secret theft
2. 20% of insider threats are accidental, caused by employees trying to be more productive
3. The average time for an insider threat to be discovered is 77 days
Insider Threat around the world :
  • Check the most recent coverage at Bleeping Computer
  • Get a sneak peak with Google search
  • Explore in detail at Dark Reading
  • Need a detour? Play our cybersecurity game Cytadel :heroLike our teensy lil’ explainers? Get more cybersecurity word updates in your inbox:
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