heroWord of the day: Zero Trust Architectureby the pureversity team

| word: Zero Trust Architecture | pronunciation: Zee-ro Truhst Ark-i-tec-chur | Definition :A security framework that assumes no user or device is trusted by default, even if they are inside the network perimeter, and verifies trust continuously.In the words of famous people :
hypothetically speaking ......
who do you think would be describing Zero Trust Architecture here?
(obligatory disclaimer: they didn't actually say it)

"Zero Trust is like never leaving your doors unlocked, even when you’re home—it’s about constant vigilance."

Question & answer time :
take a wild guess!
drag the slider to select your answer
What percentage of organizations have adopted Zero Trust models?
Did you know? 3 astonishing facts about Zero Trust Architecture :
1. Organizations using Zero Trust reduce breach costs by 42%
2. 140,000 cybersecurity jobs require Zero Trust expertise
3. Implementing Zero Trust reduces attack surface by 92%
Zero Trust Architecture around the world :
  • Check the most recent coverage at Bleeping Computer
  • Get a sneak peak with Google search
  • Explore in detail at Dark Reading
  • Need a detour? Play our cybersecurity game Cytadel :heroLike our teensy lil’ explainers? Get more cybersecurity word updates in your inbox:
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